Friday, July 31, 2009
- 6 pm
- Reception Gala with 'Moss Kent Dickinson' and 'Joseph Currier'
- Corn roast, Beef on a Bun. Free. - Dickinson St.
- Dancing and music by Assemby Required
- Brockville Infantry Company 1862
Saturday, August 1, 2009
- 7 - 11 am: Pancake Breakfast - Dickinson Square
- Heritage Parade
- 2 pm: Manotick Legion Open House - 5550 Ann Street
- Noon - 5 pm: Barbecue & Cash Bar, Entertainment - Dickinson Square
- Historical walking tours - Dickinson Square
- 8 pm - Midnight: A Mid-Summer Night's Mingle - Dickinson Square
Music Review - Hors d'oeuvres - Cocktails
Tickets $50: 692-2371
Sunday, August 2, 2009
- Silent Film Night at the Mill “The General” with Buster Keaton
- Rideau Twp. Historical Society Victorian Picnic
- Fiddlers & Square Dancers
Grand Finale for Manotick's 150th Anniversary celebrations will be at the 2010 Dickinson Days. It will include a mammoth parade, a major concert, and fireworks. Watch for next year's schedule to appear here whenever it becomes available.